Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The end of 2010

Hi folks
It's a changing time of whole my life. It's the end of one big period and the beginning of a new one. Totally new and different. I call it "time of butterfly". I feel pretty sad 'cuz its something big what has to die but there is something else what is going to be born.

Tonight i am leaving for celebrating New Year in homely atmosphere with my relatives in Moscow. I am very excited about Moscow and snow. Russia is such a great country what gave to the world such people like Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Nabokov, Stravinsky, Chaikovsky, Rerih, Pushkin and etc etc etc. I can't name all of them but when I think of art I am proud that I have russian blood in me. Russians feel very deeply and they just give it all to everything. I love it about them and probably I have it in me as well. But still my nationality is world gypsy and I truly am. Nobody knows where I was yesterday, today I am in India and nobody knows where I am going to be tomorrow. Life is a journey. It's a game and it just flows. Nothing matters. Nothing has a value. Nothing is forever. Everything is illusion. Only soul belongs to eternity and love. Nothing else. I am excited about snow in Moscow...

I think 2010 was the the most difficult year for me. I thought the most difficult was 2005 but I would rate 2010 even more. I am very happy it's over...almost over. It's like huge period of 5 years is getting over and I am leaving everything behind me. It's not me anymore. It's something new. The best thing what happened in 2010 are people who came into my life. I met different people, some were losers, some just came and went, some were great and they will stay. I feel blessed and thankful to certain people. For all my happiness and for everything I do and have opportunity to do I can say "thank you". I am thankful to God that He is and more I am thankful to all that people who made and makes my dreams come true and live life I have. I just apreciate it. It's like stars what shine upon me and I know that my life has light, harmony and balance.

Sometimes people tell me that it's not right to be so open as I am I guess but I think it is right. I am the way I am and I dont have any reasons to hide anything or to put a mask and pretend to be somebody who I am not. Just what for? I am proud to be the way I am and what I am. I dont want to hide it and I have no reasons to pretend. The most important thing in life is to be balanced inside of u and to share divine light with the world. It doesnt matter what others think of u, it matters what u think about urself and how it feels. I am proud to be myself, I am glad that I can forgive and let it go, I don't keep grades and I can just let it go.

I will always be myself and true to the world around me. I always was and probably thats the reason for my life today. I think whatever success I reached so far it was only cuz I am the way I am and I am going to be like that. If I am happy I will shout about it, If i am depressed that probably something dramatic will be coming out of me. If you like it good, if not than I just don't give a damn about it cuz its just me.

Oops.....now its time to go to the airport..........Abu Dhabi.........

I really love you people.........hi to facebook. LOL

will write from Moscow
Love to all
Saidah Jules

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